品牌:中性 | 型号:LIR2032 | 化学类型:锂离子纽扣电池 |
标准电压:3.6v | 额定容量:40MAH | 外型尺寸:20*3.2mm |
用途:电子产品 | 产品认证:ROHS |
LIR2032充电电池 3.6V纽扣电池
産品類型 Type of Products
? 種類: 扣式鋰離子充電電池 Type : Lithium-ion rechargeable cell battery
? 型號: LIR2032 Model : LIR2032
主要特點 General Features
使用壽命長 Long Cycle Life
Under normal usage, the cycle life of the battery can be ≥500 circles while with capacity ≥80%
比能量大 High Power Density
High power density makes the battery light in weight and small in dimension. It can be used in small
使用*** Safe and Reliable
No floating metal lithium assures a safer usage.
工作電壓高 High working voltage
工作電壓高達 3.6V,大約是鎳鎘或鎳氫電池的 3 倍,可減小電池的使用數量。
Working voltage is up to 3.6V, approx. 3 times of the voltage of NI-MH or NI-CD, which reduces
the quantity of the battery needed in certain application.
無記憶效應 No memory effect
No memory effect assures a constant maximum application.
自放電率小≤7%/月。 Low self-discharge rate : ≤7%/month
一致性好 Good Consistency
公司內部按 ***9000 標準建立質量保證體系,對生産全過程實行嚴格控制,使電池容量、內阻、
Good consistency is showed in battery capacity, internal resistance, discharge platform and
capacity retention. A strict complete internal quality control is subject to the ***9000 system
in the company’s production.